MOON FACES DID YOU KNOW: -- There is no air or water on the moon. -- Astronaut footprints on the moon may stay there for thousands of years. -- If you weigh 60 pounds on Earth, you'd weigh only 10 pounds on the moon. -- We never see the far, or dark, side of the moon from Earth. -- There are no seasons on the moon. There are always parts that are all-cold and all-dark. -- The moon is the same age as the Earth. -- American astronauts have made 6 trips to the moon. They brought back 840 pounds of moon rocks. About 40 percent of each rock is oxygen, which is what we need to breathe. Scientists would like to find a way to get the oxygen from the rocks to use for space stations on the moon. -- The moon is 2,160 miles across, or less than the distance across the United States. -- The moon circles the Earth, while the Earth and all the other planets circle the sun. HERE ARE SOME GREAT BOOKS TO CHECK OUT: There may not be a man in the moon in these stories, but youÕll have fun reading them just the same: Happy Birthday, Moon by Frank Asch; Prentice Hall; 1982 Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me by Eric Carle; Picture Book Studio; 1991 Moonfall by Susan Whitcher; Farrar, Straus, & Giroux Publishing; 1993 Printed from Cool Crafts ©1994 Meredith Corporation and Multicom Publishing